VIBRATION 4: Numerology + Melodic Incantation

The Universal Month of 4 can show us what themes and/or traits to embody over the course of this month and things to watch out for to better curb + cast light on the shadows of this collective energy. 

what does the vibration of 4 mean?

The number 4 holds the vibration of diligence, practicality, perseverance, discipline, integrity, stability and self-control.

Other traits and characteristics of this number includes organisation, productivity, loyalty, structures, progress, justice and steady foundations.

The vibration of 4 also has a 'fated' quality to it - showing us that things can happen to us in which we have no control over. 

This vibration reminds us to see the bigger picture and follow the natural order in life.

Indeed, there are some things that are most definitely out of our control. 

However, this vibration illuminates the ways in which we can take responsibility for ourselves in the ways we react and respond.

The number 4 symbolises the four corners to the foundations, the seasons, the four astrological elements and the pillars of structure.  
The shadow of the vibration 4 can manifest as rigidity, stubbornness, defensiveness, an inability to adapt or lacking in conviction:  resulting in stagnation or the null and dull.  

There is potential for resistance towards change which can often result in missing opportunities for growth, development and insight.

This energy has a tendency to work incredibly hard with patience, persistence and extreme diligence. 

It is the energy that thrives in routine, order and systems: creating the template for focused manifestation.

Four energy corresponds to the planetary bodies of Mercury, Saturn + Uranus, the colour green and The Emperor tarot card.

The vibration of this Universal Month 4 highlights and indicates how we can adopt these traits into our everyday lives, in our interactions and for the highest good of ourselves and others.

By gifting ourselves with discipline, diligence and perseverance - a 4 month is the time to create the template so we may pursue what is aligned with our morals, purpose and passion.  

now, for the melodic incantation context

'Melodic Incantation' is the term I've coined for this body of work which is a sonic spell: using affirmations of the Numerological themes presented as lyrics.

I like to craft and curate to the energies that are collectively present, choosing specific sounds, keys, protocols and techniques to induce a deep state of presence, flow and becoming attuned to the parts of ourselves which could benefit from some contemplation, care and consideration.

I predominantly used my voice, the bass and electric guitar accompanied by ya' standard basic beat to carry out the rhythm. 

The heavy and low frequency, entrainment of the beat and the bass line create a penetrating, powerful little passageway for our brain to synchronise with the patterns and affirmation based lyrics. 

I also experimented with the Wah pedal plugin for my electric guitar which I felt added to the more mystical, progressive and trance qualities to this track.

I chose the key of C minor to set the tonal foundation of this Melodic Incantation. 

The key of C correlates to the root energetic centre - which I've used to represent connecting with our foundation of self, our sense of security and the root of our being.

I feel that the themes of the Universal Month 4 resonate well with some of the healing properties of C minor.

Some of the healing properties of C minor (especially when used as a triad) include accepting what is, taking on new challenges, feeling 'solid' in oneself and being grounded in the body. 

The vocal toning consists of the vowel sounds which correlate to the root, heart and crown energetic centres which is reflected and activated using the 'UHH', 'AHH',  and 'EEE' sounds. 

I also added a nice little 'LA' melody backing vocal behind the spoken word repetition to emphasise on the 'AH' heart sound and to give it a playfully witchy, spirited sound. 

You'll also be able to hear the exhale vocal toning: combining the rooted, grounding 'UHH' vowel sound followed by a sigh/exhale to serve as a sonic release of stagnant energies. 

I really enjoyed the vocal stacking and harmonic overlays as a break between the spoken word, chanting vibe of the track as it brings in this otherworldly, divine, infinite natured vibe which I felt to be inspiring and nourishing. 

I wanted to focus on the first affirmation to close out the track in an incremental and progressive vocal layered way, following the repetition of 4 cycles. 

Each time, another vocal layer and harmony is added before the 4th and final repetition where the vocals are isolated for impact. 

I also incorporated a cheeky lil' blow at the very end, as if blowing out a birthday candle, granting the wishes and manifestation of these affirmations to come alive. 

This sonically and symbolically represents closing out the ritual nature of the track and fundamentally 'sealing the deal'.

The chord progression is i-vi-v in the key of C minor making it a C minor, Ab major and G minor chord. 

The key of C corresponds to our root energetic centre, the key of A corresponds to brow energetic centre and the key of G corresponds to our throat energetic centre. 

I've applied this to represent nourishing and aligning our root of being with our centre of intuition combined with the ability to vocalise and speak it into existence. 

The harmonic intervals between this chord progression choice are incredibly nourishing in a Sound Healing context as the intervals between this progression are the unison, sixth + fifth.

Nourishment aside, we also have then have the releasing minor second interval between the Ab major and G minor A.K.A the 6th + 5th interval. 

In Sound Healing, a Unison interval settles emotions, centres + calms the mind. 

A fifth interval is a general harmoniser as it balances our nervous system, releases nitric oxide, lifts depression and releases opiates to facilitate conscious awareness so we may move into higher states... just to name just a few benefits of the magical, perfect fifth. 

A sixth interval is super soothing and nourishing which has the Sound Healing properties of lifting our spirit, stimulating our pineal gland and helps to problem solve with visions and inspiration. 

The intention is further explained via the affirmation based lyrics which you'll find below alongside the Soundcloud link to the Melodic Incantation. 

I wanted the chord progressions to unify, inspire and motivate us to keep pursuing our passions, our purpose and doing the inner work to align ourselves with our destinies. 

For best results, please use headphones or an external speaker as my mixing skills have not yet mastered capturing the best sound via cellular device speakers. 

I stand up tall
No longer small
Destiny calls

I stand my ground
Was lost now found
I won't back down

Release the old
wives tales told
I take control

I take the reigns 
To call in change
My strength maintained

Passion and drive
I thrive despite
Perceived demise

I put in time
Endure the climb
For I decide

