VIBRATION 15/6: Numerology + Melodic Incantation

what does the vibration of 15/6 mean?

The vibration 15/6 represents harmony, balance, creating positive life choices, adaptability, versatility and in essence, the energy of love.

Other traits and characteristics of this number include resourcefulness, idealism, initiation and creativity.

The shadow of the vibration 15/6 can manifest as being irresponsible, rash, inconsistent, thoughtless, restless and afraid of routine and change, in a similar vein as the shadow vibration of 5 for September.

The month of 15/6 highlights to make positive life choices to support ourselves through any transitions we experience.
By creating these long-term changes, we afford ourselves and others the opportunity to thrive from the restraints of our former selves, coming back ‘into love’ that originates from within us.




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'Melodic Incantation' is the term I've coined for this body of work which is a sonic spell: using affirmation based lyrics of the Numerological themes.

I like to craft and curate to the energies of the Universal Month, choosing specific sounds, keys, protocols and techniques to induce a deep state of presence, flow and becoming attuned to the parts of ourselves which could benefit from some contemplation, care and consideration.

I wanted this Melodic Incantation to have a nourishing, raw and heart-felt quality using my voice, the electric guitar and a piano arrangement to create a simple, sonic melody-remedy.

I chose the key of F major to set the tonal foundation of this Melodic Incantation. 

The key of F correlates to the heart energetic centre - which governs our capacity to give and receive love. This energetic centre is where we store the shadows of over-giving and holding onto emotional pain.

I've used this key to represent connecting with our heart-centred self so we may liberate any shadows stored in this energetic centre, inspiring the acceptance to creating positive changes.

I feel that the overarching theme of the Universal Month 15/6 resonates well with some of the healing properties of F major.

Some of the healing properties of F major (especially when used as a triad) include balancing the metabolism, grounding sensitivities and to encourage mobility and clear perception.

The vocal toning consists of the ‘AH’ vowel sound which is used as a backing vocal behind the chorus.

The chord progression for the verses are a i-iv-v in the key of F major making it a F major, Bb major, C major chord. 

The chorus chord progressions are a vi-v-iv-i which is a D minor, C major, Bb major and F major respectively. As this chord progression descends in the intervals, I used it represent stripping back to basics and returning to the inner source of selves.



I rid excess
to put this monkey mind to rest 
I elevate 
so all my dreams may germinate
deep inside
Harmony resides
where to modify
i move and shake
the residue of past mistakes
i light the torch
illuminate the path i forge

deep inside
Harmony resides
what robs my peace of mind 
i lead with choice 
create the space to feel joy 
the drive to overcompensate 
deep inside 
harmony resides 
direction of my stride 
i rid excess 
to put this monkey mind to rest 
i elevate 
so all my dreams may germinate 
deep inside 
harmony resides 
the strength to sanctify


