We have officially entered Eclipse Season! We'll be experiencing the Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus @ 10 degrees on the 30th of April 2022.

This energy will be most potent at the time of this Eclipse (20:42 BST) and over the following fortnight. The dynamics that transpire will be setting the tone for the rest of the year, into January 2023.

Oftentimes, Eclipses can feel dramatic, chaotic or even destined. Eclipses are ruled by the Lunar Nodes in Astrology, which creates that karmic, fated flavour that plays out in our lives.

This is a time where synchronicities and sudden endings can run rampant. Eclipses hold the power to bring us drastic new beginnings, laying down the groundwork of our individual + collective paths moving forward.

Depending on where the Eclipse falls into our charts, we can see this manifest either internally, externally and most definitely collectively.

By looking into your personal house and planetary placements around Taurus, Pisces, Scorpio and Capricorn, we can gain deeper insight and context towards setting intentions moving forward.




Solar Eclipse in Taurus Chart

Following up from the Full Moon in Libra, this Solar Eclipse encourages us to embrace any unconventionality towards our dreams, values and find the supportive information to aid in our transformation process - as additionally influenced by Mercury’s trine to Pluto.

The Sun, Moon and Uranus conjunction in Taurus can collectively influence our sense of self, emotional safety and sense of innovation. Taurus is the fixed sign, ruled by Venus. Represented by the bull, Taurus can be known to be loyally set in their ways, down to Earth and experiences the world through the tangible and sensory.

The North Node, also in Taurus, encourages us collectively to embrace rebuilding substantial values towards crafting our lives and sense of livelihood. Taurus North Node influences us to cultivate the stability, security and contentment we deeply crave as we work to shed collective and individual trauma. We are pushed to expose the shadow of any misused power so we may liberate ourselves once and for all.

As we’ve been rebuilding our lives over the past two years, the North Node highlights to us to define and distinguish the difference between want and need.

Are we being driven by the scarcity mindset of overcompensatory desire or moving through the world tactfully by tending to our core values and needs?

The energies supporting this Solar Eclipse are concentrated in the sign of Pisces, where we will currently find Mars, Jupiter, Venus and Neptune occupying this mystical sign. This configuration can inspire us to marinate in the more spiritual, compassionate and ethereal elements of our existence: to wear our hearts on our sleeves, nourishing our inner creativity and constructing our lives as if it were a dream - especially with the exact conjunction between Venus and Jupiter - which embodies ‘dream come true’.

How this transpires will vary between each person and their perspective. How we channel our creativity can either serve us constructively or as a method of escapism or detriment. Sometimes, we need just a dash of both, drawing on the dissolved boundaries that is typical of the Pisces archetype to concoct a solution.

Mars in Pisces, which will be sextile to this Solar Eclipse, can act as a supportive force towards pursuing the more compassionate and mystical aspects towards our lives. Depending on how this energy plays out, this influence has the potential to inspire or the capacity to confuse as Pisces can also represent illusion or deception. Luckily, this influence will lead us towards the direction that is intended for us, where the process of confusion will eventually reveal clarity.

As we pay attention to what is happening within and around us, we’ll be given clear signs of where to invest our energies of new beginnings and laying any endings down to rest. Uranus’ influence can bring about innovation, shock-value and the unexpected which can help us chart our course corrections to support out best interests.

Will this time be easy? Probably not. However, we won’t be short of surprises. With Saturn squaring off with both the Lunar Nodes, this can show us where and what may be holding us back from our growth and destiny.

We are encouraged to embrace and surrender to the synchronicities or surrealism that may come our way. We will be called to interpret the messenger of madness that the Uranus’ influence can bring. The effects of this Solar Eclipse calls us to challenge and integrate any resistance to change we may be holding onto.

This Eclipse asks us to deeply listen to our internal dialogue in order to re-magnetise our internal compass. To invite the energy of allowance, acceptance and aspiration to our daily lives. To truly discern the differences between core needs and flights of fancy dressed as desire or societal constructs of happiness.

What actions can we take from unexpected inspiration or events? What information will best support our transformation? These are just a few major themes this Partial Solar Eclipse can reveal to us.

I pulled some cards and created some additional journal prompts to further contemplate navigating these energies, so you can check that out below or book a bespoke reading with me here.



cosmic flower

  • On a scale of 1-10, do you believe in magic? How much space do you create for this experience?
    Have a think about what ‘magic’ means to your personally, is it something you’ve wanted to believe and experience? Is it a regular occurrence?
    On the scale, 10 represents super magical, 1 represents disillusion.

  • What are the ways you can infuse magic into your everyday moving forward?
    Have a think about any dreams, goals, intentions or ideals you’d like to execute. What everyday ways can you base your intentions in to infuse magic and work towards your goals?

    This could be as simple as affirmations while making coffee, visualisations in the shower, meal prepping - there is no right or wrong - execute on what feels best for you.

  • When was the last time you took some time to be with yourself with no distractions?
    Take a moment to close your eyes and connect with yourself now, drawing full, deep breaths. Notice and note down what comes up for you physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

  • List out x10 things that bring sweetness, tenderness and care into your life:
    Reflect on anything that brings beauty into your life that supports the full spectrum of your self-expression. Is there anything on the list you can bring into your everyday?

  • To what extent does your daily life reflect your thoughts and emotions?
    Is your current day-to-day in alignment with your personal needs? Are there any disconnects towards what you need to do versus what you want to do?

  • Explore some ways to integrate any thoughts, feelings and situations you are currently facing:
    Drawing from the reflections above, can you find any ways to bridge the gaps of disconnection moving forward? Are there any habits, activities or tasks that can help you with this process?

  • Reflecting on any previous or current challenges, take a moment to explore any potential wisdom from these situations:
    Take a moment to unpack any challenges that are holding you back. Write down any of the who, what, where, when + why’s that apply to recognise any patterns or consistencies. What have these situations or challenges presented you with and what wisdom can you take away from these experiences?

  • Where can you incorporate compassion into your daily life?
    Are you are placing judgment towards yourself, others or your situation? Explore any ways you can invite compassion to these areas.

  • List as many things that inspire feelings of happiness, joy and delight:
    These can be dainty details, activities and fond memories. Take this moment to write down and remind yourself how these enrich your life.

  • In what ways can you share the above list with the world moving forward?
    Every action and intention impacts our inner world and the world around us, there is no such thing as insignificant scale. Where can you start to share these activities or feelings with yourself, your loved ones or the network of your dreams?

  • Are there any areas of your life where you’d like to invite healing?
    Have these transitions flowed with ease or has there been resistance towards this process?
    Outline and reflect on the transitions experienced, how they make you feel and what has happened as a result.

  • Explore any ideas or actions that support your healing journey:
    What gifts or wisdom have these transitions given to you? What can you use towards this next process of transition?
    What are the things you can release in order to generate new life?
    Life is a constant cycle of death and rebirth, how can you mark and honour that process today?

I hope this blog can provide some food for thought moving forward!

I am available for virtual sessions and readings, so book yourself a spot to support your self-empowerment journey here.

Be sure to join my mailing list to receive first access to these blog posts and any other Thou Alone news, offers & discounts.

I look forward to connecting and sharing space in whatever capacity that is - virtual, astral or IRL!



